There For You

We will be there in your technology journey, all the way through

Pristine Quality

We have practiced the quality art ourselves before preaching

Heavily Armored

Enough battle scars to teach us the tricks of the trade

Lead From Front

We are putting our reputations on the line

Our Story

Codifine is founded by professionals who have a long experience in the Investment Banking industry. Investment Banks are the largest IT companies in the world by budget and complexity as well. Investment Banks have contributed into the technology space immensely also by way of inventing their own programming languages, being a key drivers of innovation in the data storage and analytics space.

We (Senthil and Nehal) have learnt our lessons in those challenging environments from the early stages of our careers. We feel with the rapid growth of the IT industry depth of skill had taken a back seat. And that scenario is changing fast. PowerPoint warriors are struggling to keep their jobs and companies are looking for specialized skills. With automation on the rise, programming will continue to be a key driver in the job market. But not with shallow skills.

Senthil has seen the rapid growth of the IT industry as a client for the last two decades. And how difficult it has become to find talented people who can take complex challenges and solve them efficiently. He feels the tide is changing and through codifine we can contribute to helping people reach a sure footing on their IT skills and retain their jobs come rain or shine.

We have a solid belief in the need for highly qualified technology people for the near foreseeable future. We are here to share our experience and help learn reach the heights faster.

Our Specialties

Our goal is to enhance the technical skills of an organisation. We offer both training for new hires into the market as well as up skilling capabilities for existing employees.


We can help you master Java as well as can can teach Back-End development skills using frameworks like Spring

Programming skills

Technical agility is required today. We can help you to become proficient in TDD, BDD, Clean Coding Practices, Design Patterns and Principles

Management Techniques

Professional life is not always about skills. We can share our decades of management experience with you

Web Front End

From Frontend frameworks like Angular to WordPress website design, we can help you in creating Websites or Web applications


We're very familiar with RDBMS technologies and NoSQL Databases.

Cloud Computing

World of tech development underwent a seismic shift with cloud technologies. We are familiar with all latest concepts